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Reception area

About Your First Visit

Your chiropractor will start with a discussion about you, your health and your reasons for asking for chiropractic care.

The consultation will take about three quarters of an hour to an hour. You will have a thorough case history taken which will not just be about your presenting complaint but also about your past health history. If chiropractic appears not to be suitable for you, you will be referred to your GP or the appropriate specialist. Your details are confidential and no one else will be able to see your notes without your permission.

You will then have an appropriate examination of the neuromusculoskeletal system (nerves, muscles and joints). It may be necessary to check out other systems such as your heart, lungs and abdomen to rule out other causes of your problem.

At Clevedon Chiropractic Clinic we have the facility to x-ray you if this is appropriate and we also have a scanner to make sure your problem is not being caused by osteoporosis (brittle bones). When required we are able to refer you for an MRI scan if this is indicated and can usually get the results in under a week. We also have the facilities to scan the electrical activity of the muscles along the spine (surface EMG) to check for muscle spasm and nerve damage. We have a laser technology scanner to assess your foot posture to see if this could be affecting your spine, hips or knees as recurrent injuries are often driven by the way we walk. We do have Diagnostic Ultrasound too and are able to assess the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the joints of the arms and legs to see if there is any tissue damage.

As we like to carefully consider your problem, we do not usually treat you on the first day. We do not like to take risks with your health or our reputation so patients return the next day and are given a full report of their diagnosis and treatment plan in plain, understandable terms. Unlike most clinics, patients also receive a written report of their exam findings, diagnosis, treatment plan and the likely outcome which you can keep or share with your GP.  You will be advised of what the treatment is likely to entail and the fees. Exercises, either done at home or in our rehabilitation gym will be taught to help you avoid experiencing a recurrence of your problem.

We are situated at:
47 Hill Road,
BS21 7PD,
North Somerset

We are open Mondays and Tuesdays 8am until 5.45pm, Wednesdays for Rehab 3 -5pm, Thursdays from 8am – 12.15 and for rehab 3-5pm, Fridays for rehab 9am – 12 and 1pm until 5.45 pm, Saturdays 9 – 1pm.

For an initial consultation
call us on
01275 875 866

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